On Dec 23, 2008, at 9:56 AM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

> Also, note this is ONLY if you're using Internet sharing on your Mac
> (Not Web sharing, not File sharing, not Remote login) since this is
> the only reason ever to run natd.

Bruce to the rescue.

It's an Internet Sharing thing. I'd totally forgotten that I'd tried  
to use Internet Sharing for a very hampered iBook. I'm glad it wasn't  
any security threat, but in all my years of using Macs the type of  
freeze where the clock and everything is frozen except the cursor is  
rare, and this coincidence combined with the Google result misled me.

I was attempting to use Internet Sharing over Firewire. That day I had  
no luck with Firewire networking, the client computer's Firewire  
network port wasn't recognized in Network Preferences for some reason.  
I'll disable Internet Sharing for now since it sets off this monster  
flurry of natd connections at startup.

Thanks again Bruce!

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