On Dec 24, 2008, at 8:40 PM, jonas ulrich wrote:

> What exactly is quartz extreme?


Quartz Extreme
Mac OS X v10.2 introduced Quartz Extreme: graphics processor (GPU)  
acceleration for the Quartz Compositor. With Quartz Extreme, no  
central processor (CPU) cycles are utilized for scene composition.  
Quartz Compositor runs using the graphics processor (GPU) by  
encapsulating each rendered backing store in an OpenGL texture map or  
surface. The GPU then composes the surfaces and maps to provide the  
final image, which is delivered to its frame buffer.
Quartz Extreme only uses OpenGL commands, and requires a graphics card  
connected to an AGP 2X or faster bus (including AGP 4X, 8X, and PCI  
Express), supporting textures and maps of arbitrary size, since many  
of the renderers have no size limitation (Quartz 2D for example).[4]  
It is automatically enabled on Mac systems with one of the following  
types ofgraphics cards:[5]
        • AMD (ATI) Radeon, AGP-based, 16MB VRAM minimum, or better
        • NVIDIA GeForce2 MX, 16MB VRAM minimum, or better
Quartz Extreme is not the same as Quartz 2D Extreme, which is optional  
GPU acceleration for the Quartz 2D renderer. Further, any GPU that is  
capable of rendering Core Imageinstructions is also capable of Quartz  

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