At 3:24 PM -0500 1/2/09, Isaac Smith posted:
>>  The block of ice protecting my credit card has melted, and I still
>>  want an iMac. So, hopefully last dumb question for the day. Has
>>  anyone bought a 24" (iMac/monitor) and wished they'd gone with a
>>  small screen? I'm currently using a 19" widescreen monitor on the G5,
>>  having upgraded from a square'ish 15" iMac, and thought the
>>  difference was wonderful. Now find I'm constantly trying to get to
>>  the correct window. But I've taken a tape measure to estimate the
>>  size of the 24" iMac and it's huge! I found an image on the web that
>>  makes the 24" look even bigger than I'd estimated. So anyone with
>>  real world experience, do you wish you'd gone smaller than 24"?
>>  Steve R
>  Steve,
>  I've actually had just the opposite happen. I have a 20" iMac, and I
>  really wish I would have shelled out the extra cash for a 24". There
>  is an issue with the viewing angle on the 20" iMacs that the 24" iMacs
>  do not have. The vertical viewing angle is absolutely horrendous. When
>  positioned directly in front of my computer, there is a noticeable
>  difference in a solid color from the top of the screen to the bottom.
>  What should be one solid color becomes a gradient.
>  Yes, 24" is quite a large screen, but I would go for it because its
>  image quality is better.
>  I hope that helps you with making the decision.

Yes.... I just <gulp> finished the checkout. Thanks.... I needed the shove.

Steve R

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