I have a G3 Tray Loader Bondi $30.00 (negotable) plus shipping, with the Modem.
If your interested.
On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 12:11 AM, Paul <pper...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This G3 is for someone on an extremely limited budget, who's mainly
> using the computer for email. Otherwise, broadband would make a lot of
> sense. These days, the Internet is so full of ads and pointless little
> animations that my 256K DSL connection seems slow, even with
> Flashblock running on Firefox.
> I just discovered a USB-to-RS232 adapter, but I'll also look into the
> internal modem. You know, with the low price of G3's these days, it
> might be cheaper to simply buy another G3 that happens to have the
> modem. The one I'm working on was only $15, and it came equipped
> enough to at least run Tiger for tasks like email and word processing.
> Maybe I can also try wireless and see if I can sneak onto a network...
> I read that a large metal coffee can sticking out the window makes a
> good antenna...
> Kris Tilford wrote:
>> On Jan 15, 2009, at 11:01 PM, Paul wrote:
>> > I have a good US Robotics external V.90 modem that I'd like to be able
>> > to use with a G3 blue/white tower that doesn't have an internal modem.
>> > I've heard that USB external modems aren't too good, and I've heard
>> > that internal modems for this machine aren't easy/cheap to find. And
>> > as far as I know, despite the abundance of cheap PCI modems for PC's,
>> > there is no such thing for a Mac.
>> >
>> > Is there an adapter that converts some plug on the back of the G3 to a
>> > serial connection that can plug into the modem? And why is there no
>> > such thing as a PCI modem for a Mac? Why did Apple opt for a large
>> > collection of mutually incompatible internal modems?
>> No access to broadband? Dial-up modem seems like the dark-ages. You
>> might consider a tethering to a mobile phone with a faster connection.
>> I previously used T-Mobile GPRS which was about 5x faster than dial-up
>> for $19.95 per month unlimited. I tethered my phone via a USB cable I
>> got on eBay for $5 shipped. I assume the companies with 3G Networks
>> have something similar? If you can get DSL, AT&T has the nationwide
>> $10 per month plan that's hard to beat for broadband and it's about
>> 15x faster than dial-up. I'm unhappy with my supposedly 8Mbps cable
>> modem speed and can't wait for a fiber optic connection some day "real
>> soon now". As for dial-up modem, I'd strongly suggest looking for
>> another way to connect and forget about dial-up modems.
>> If you absolutely need a modem, get the internal. The part is Apple
>> 805-2088-A. You can find them cheap enough. Ask on LEM-Swap.
> >

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