> Date: Sat, Jan 17 2009 11:16 pm
> From: Kris Tilford
> On Jan 18, 2009, at 1:00 AM, George Hozendorf wrote:
>> Any ideas why my Mini is louder after upgrading the ram from 1G to
>> 2G?
>> Glad you interpreted load for loud.  It's the fan.
> Probably it's running hotter? It appears your Mini has two RAM slots,
> so if you had a single 1GB stick, and added a 2nd, it'd only make
> sense that it runs a little hotter. It could be you inadvertently
> moved sometime that affected the fan?

When I asked a question about a problem of a fan in a friend's mini,  
you said:

If you mean the fan is on full 100% all the time, this is not normal.
Resetting the PMU might help?
Here's an article on resetting the PMU on the Mini:


and this helped to fix the problem. Perhaps the OP might try the same  


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