At 5:30 PM -0600 1/29/09, Michael McMurtrey posted:
Repeated attempts to remove Yahoo! Widgets from my Beige G3 (OS 
10.4.11) have met with nothing but frustration. Following 
instructions from Yahoo and others who responded to my original 
request for help, I:

1. Clicked on the gear icon in the System menu bar and chose Quit 
Yahoo! Widgets.

2. Opened the Applications folder and sent the Yahoo! Widgets icon to 
the Trash.

3. Opened the Documents folder and move the Widgets folder to the Trash.

Yet Yahoo! Widgets appears every time I start my computer!

There is no Yahoo! Widgets application in the Applications folder. 
There is no Widgets folder in the Documents folder. There is no 
Yahoo! Widgets in Login items in the Accounts System Preferences 

What is going on here? Isn't there a startup log somewhere on my 
computer that could tell me where these items are hiding? Help!

Does the widget load on your Finder Menu bar (across the top of the 
screen)? If that's the case, see if you can remove it via a dropdown 

Steve R

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