On Feb 2, 12:52 pm, jonas ulrich <jonasulrich3...@gmail.com> wrote:
> He isn't overclocking it. He's putting a new processor in. Probably a sonnet
> upgrade or something.-Jonas

Actually both, I got the OWC 1.2Ghz 7455cpu, that has switches on it
for cpu speed.
I reset the switches to 1.5 and it is working great and stable.

Personally I wouldn't consider a sonnet, but maybe newer tech, they
had a 1.5
for only $30 more.  The owc is plug and play, except for need to do
firmware upgrade first. No special upgrade or software needed, so I
can use it with Linux without worries.

BTW I do think it is not getting all its speed. Although 1.5 is a bit
faster feel.
Testing last night I got ripping mp3 speed of 15-16x, compared to my
g4 550 laptop gets 8x (same bus speed and virtually the same mobo).
Seems the 1.5g should be more like in the 20-24x range...

Wish I had a way to monitor Altivec usage (cpu monitor seems to
indicate only the main cpu usage as it shows maxed out at about 5x
ripping with Audion (non Altivec)).

Another advantage of DA/QS is the whole bus structure changed. If you
look at the block diagrams memory has a direct bus to the cpu where
before it was merged into the main bus with pci. Also Firewire/Enet
(both ? not sure) are up there too.

Mem ------------- cpu ----------- F/E
                PCI ---------- IDE

This way I guess video not blocked during uncompression (skippings),
other conflicts maybe better too (skippings worse w/ FW plug into
anything active or not)

Still I am not sure if I want / need to go through the hassle right
now, getting a good deal on the new box, swapping all my parts,
getting rid of the old one, etc, all for a 30% gain...

> >> DAs and the related QSes remain incredibly productive machines, given
> >> a fast CPU.
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