dorayme wrote:
>>Date: Thurs, Jan 22 2009 11:36 am
>>From: Kris Tilford
>>On Jan 18, 2009, at 3:46 AM, Paul wrote:
>>>The announcement said "Seagate has isolated this issue to a firmware
>>>bug affecting drives from these families manufactured IN December
>>>2008." That would seem to narrow the field of eligible drives quite a
>>No, you misquoted Seagate's announcement.
>>It was "manufactured THROUGH December 2008", meaning including all
>>months prior to December 2008.
> "through Dec" means "up to Dec" This an American thing? Sure ain't  
> Australian or Pommy...
> Anyway, if I may, why are so many (not all) of my G3 posts coming  
> through with most text underlined? Looks like an anchor closing tag  
> in HTML is being forgotten in the manufacture of the digest...
> --
> dorayme

"Through Dec" means inclusive to the end of the month and all months prior.


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