At 6:17 PM -0500 2/5/2009, Steve R wrote:
>Is there a way to have an irc:// url automatically open in a
>dedicated IRC app, Snak specifically?
>I've installed RCDefaultApp preference pane, verified irc:// should
>open in Snak but continuing on the link opens in Safari.
>Right-Click/Option-Click isn't giving me a dropdown menu to open in a
>different app.

Yer on the right track, I think.  In the defaults prefs, check the 
App pane - make sure irc: is enabled for that app, then do the URLs 

FWIW, in Tiger on my Smurf, I'm finding it works sometimes - but not 
reliably.  It's not enough that the system recognize the url and 
throw it to the right app; the app has to have the necessaries to 
catch it.  Ircle does better than Snak, but both seem to have 

- Dan (Darmok_ on Freenode).
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

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