On Feb 21, 2009, at 3:48 PM, Demetrius wrote:

> i always make a copy of my important discs, and i'd like to make one
> of the 10.5 Leopard disc that came with my G4 (off ebay), but i see it
> is dual layer. any nifty tricks for making a copy onto multiple reg.
> dvds? i have toast.

I use Disk Copy for copying the 10.5 install disk, which is indeed  
dual layer, but Toast will certainly work, too.

 From the Hackintosh crowd is a bunch of scripts which will remove  
languages and features from an install disk, and get it down to a  
single layer.

I successfully used that script once. It was a good use for my quad  
core Hackintosh, as the process takes lots of CPU cycles.

The DVDs are not video disks, so they don't have a region.

However, a new DVD drive will have to have its "home region" set the  
first time you use it. Region 1 is North America (AKA, USA).

The ripping tools don't care about region, but DVD Player certainly  

Anyway, try Disk Utility for making a duplicate.

I always do my installs from a backup DVD, never from the original  
DVD media, which I keep in a "media safe" along with the license  
materials, etcetera.

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