At 9:56 AM -0800 2/22/2009, Jonas Lopez wrote:
>Problem with Applejack instructions
>I want to use this and can read and understand, but as is the case 
>here, the writer assumes you know more than we do and then tells us 
>of a danger, so here is the problem:
>QUIT 1: I am a user and am logged in, when I am done with the 
>computer, I use the APPLE MENU/ SHUT quit.
>Question: Does this mean I am still logged in?

No.   When you tell the machine to shutdown, it first quits all your 
processes, then "logs you out", then quits all the system processes, 
then runs down the kernel, and finally kills the power.

>Is this the WRONG WAY to close the computer if I want to use Applejack?

No, it's fine.  Even selecting restart is fine.  They key is that you 
must hold down cmd-s when you boot to get into Single User mode, so 
you can run AppleJack.

>QUIT 2: I am a user and am logged in, when I am done with the 
>computer I use the APPLE MENU/ LOG OUT <NAME> quit.
>Question: Is this the missing instruction that will cause a problem 
>if not followed?
>If I follow this instruction:
>Start and hold the COMMAND AND S KEYS DOWN to start up in Single User Mode.
>Is the above QUIT 1 OR QUIT 2 correct or not.

Either works; per my explination above.

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

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