I have personally worked extensively with both Lombards and Pismos;
and it is indeed impossible to swap motherboards. The keyboard and
trackpad plugins are completely different, the Pismo has a much larger
heatsync, and an AirPort card slot, and two FireWire ports instead of
a SCSI port. To change motherboards, you'd have to change cases,
keyboards, the CPU. the only part that's compatible between the two is
the display. (And the modem) And then... you'd just have a Pismo. He
is probably just confused, or got something mixed up. I think there
may be, however, a 500Mhz upgrade CPU for the lombards, but I'm not
sure. I do know that the processors are incompatible, also.


On Mar 4, 11:25 am, Bruce - in Orlando <bhossfi...@bellsouth.net>
> I see on ebay right now there is a 500 mhz CPU board being advertised
> as being for a 
> Lombard:http://cgi.ebay.com/Processor-Board-Apple-PowerBook-G3-Lombard-500Mhz...
> As I understand it the fastest CPU board for a Lombard was actually
> 400 mhz, so I suspect this board would actually be from a Pismo?
> Seller claims he really used it in his Lombard.  Yet elsewhere on ebay
> there are Pismo CPU boards for sale where the description specifically
> says that a Pismo CPU board will not work in a 
> Lombard:http://cgi.ebay.com/Powerbook-G3-Pismo-400mhz-Processor-Firewire-400-...
> So, true or false - will a 500 mhz Pismo CPU board work in a Lombard?
> Or maybe this 500 mhz board came from some powerbook other than Pismo?
> Bruce - in Orlando
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