I would start by seeing whether the device is detected.

Does it show up in DIsk Utility?
If so, can you see the disk?
If you can, you may need to reformat the disk; if not play with
jumpers and any other settings you can find.

If it does not show up in DU, open System Profiler and look at
Hardware>FireWire. Does the device show up there?
If it doesn't, no amount of fiddling with jumpers will help you. Your
problem is elsewhere.
Have you tested the FW ports and cable with known good devices?

I am guessing that your writer dates to 2000/2001. The FIreWIre bridge
in it may be too old to handle larger, newer drives. How large? not
sure but greater than 128 GB at a guess.

On Mar 5, 1:20 am, Paul <pper...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I just got an external CD writer with a firewire (400) connection. I
> got it for the firewire, not for the CD, so I opened it up and
> installed a hard drive in place of the CD drive, and set the jumper to
> master, which was how the CD drive was set.
> The CD worked all right, but the hard drive doesn't show up on the
> desktop. I'm running a G4 AGP with OS 10.4.11.
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