> So she meets 2 out of 3. Unfortunately, the one she does not even  
> come close to is the most important here, and that is the processor.  
> The QS 733 has no L3 cache, so it runs like a 533Mhz with a cache.  
> Which is basically 1/3 of the speed of a G5 1.6.
> A processor upgrade will get her close, but one that gets close will  
> run about as much as a used G5 Mac.
> So, the question is:
>  How badly does she want to run World of Warcraft at playable frame  
> rates?
> Len
Thanks Len, the box the software she had originally installed  
indicates a different picture, the system she has "should" work. BUT  
she has performed all the online upgrades, so that is probably the  
issue. And she wants to play it alot, so I guess she will be saving up  
her pennies. Thanks for the info.

mark ray
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