At 2:05 PM -0700 3/14/09, Bruce Johnson posted:
>  On Mar 14, 2009, at 1:56 PM, Michael Emery wrote:
>>  I have a 20" May 2005 iMac that doesn't welcome any flavor of Safari
>>  that's newer than 3.0.4! The problem has been long-running and
>>  persistent. Whenever I attempt an upgrade, say an upgrade to the
>>  current Safari 4 beta, the result is that Safari quits upon launching.
>>  I then restore good, old 3.0.4 in order to get work done.
>>  Does anyone have any hints about what I can do to get current with
>>  Safari?
>  You don't mention what version of OS you currently have.
>  Also, does this happen for another user on the computer?
>  Every OS X system should have a second user created for the purposes
>  of testing things, such as this. For instance of the newer version of
>  Safari works for the test user, you know the problem is not with the
>  OS or Safari, it's something in your user profile, such as a plug-in
>  or messed up settings, etc.

I've had this problem before. Turned out to be one of the plugins. I 
eneded up trashing everything having to do with Safari in the 
Libraries and reinstalling from fresh.

Steve R

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