> I have a homemade dvd of camp-out movies that my folks took years ago
> and put them on a dvd. I need to make copies for my brother and
> sisters. I've tried dragging the video-ts folder to the blank disk and
> burning it, but it won't play in a standard dvd player? I used to do
> it in toast but sold the program months ago. Is there a way to do this
> in the finder using disk utility?  Thanks in advance. Jeff
> Jeff Engle
> kamiah idaho 83536

Yes, there is, and it's pretty easy.

First, you need to open up Disk Utility. On the left sidebar, you'll  
see your devices list. Select the DVD you want to make a copy of, and  
then go to File > New... > Disk Image from <your device name>. Change  
Image Format to "DVD/CD Master," and leave Encryption on "none." Pick  
an appropriate location to save.

Once you've done that and it finishes creating your disk image, you  
can right-click it or control-click it in Finder and open it up in  
Disk Utility, or go to File > Open Disk Image. This may mount it, but  
it will also place it in the left sidebar of Disk Utility. Once it's  
there, you can select it, and click "Burn" on the top of the Disk  
Utility window. Then burn as many copies as you want.

I hope that helps!


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