I definitely agree. I also will need to learn about how to setup my xserve
G4 DP 1.33ghz. Does anyone know if they have audio out?-Jonas

On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 7:45 PM, nestamicky <nestami...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  Clark Martin wrote:
> Bruce Johnson wrote:
>  On Mar 26, 2009, at 10:07 AM, Expat wrote:
>  Hi All
> I'm setting up a home server (Xserve G4) to act as my main server for
> data, itunes, web hosting and possibly mail etc. given the choice
> between OS X Server 10.4 and OS X Client 10.5 which would you choose?
>  I think that the difference between Client OS X and Server OSX  is
> that the AFP file server in client is limited to only 10 connections,
> and it does not support mapping home directories to remote clients.
>  Under OS 9, File Sharing was always severely throttled in comparison to
> AppleShare Server.  I think the same is true in OS X but I've never seen
> confirmation of that.
>  As a file server alone, though it should work, and there are no
> limitations on SMB shares.
> Postfix and Apache are both present, so you could set OSX Client as a
> mail server and web server; you're also free to install other versions
> of those, which would not be subject to any OSX limitations.
> For Web I'd actually recommend XAMPP, it makes getting Apache, PHP,
> PERL, and Mysql all plug-n-play <http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html
>  > <http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html> We ue XAMPP for our 
> production server setup for the College, it
> works great.
>  My home server is (client) Leopard on a Digital Audio G4.  I have DHCP
> and BIND (DNS) running on it and I'm using Webmin to control them.
> Webmin is an HTTP based front end for a number of server apps.
> I don't have an xserve but do have a Sawtooth that I'd like to put to use the 
> same way the OP is desiring. I think this thread should be kept alive so we 
> can all learn about running a dedicated server on OS X. I'm getting tired of 
> the multi platform computing at home and would like to go complete mac, at 
> least for most of the time. So, let's keep this thread alive! I'd like to 
> learn all there is to set mine up!
> >

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