On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 8:46 PM, tonycd <tonyl...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> Get a .mac membership?
> Any other way? If my ISP provides a page for free, is there a way for
> me to use it?
> --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~

I recommend you study the HTML and other web lessons at  lynda.com.   many
of these are free and you can buy more. Student rates are available also.

These are very informative and are used by pros and students at universities
and elsewhere.

A bit of knowledge about the importance of an index page and file structure
will help your site look and operate at it's best.  The digital imaging
lessons will help you optimize the pics for web use and  help you keep the
pages loading fast and save space on the server for more.

The program you use is not as important as structure. You can even do it in
Word if you already have that. But a WYSIWYG makes it easier to see the
changes as they are made.
Dreamweaver lets you see both the design and the code at the same time if
that helps you learn.
But anyway you do it it can be creative fun.

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