On Sat, Apr 4, 2009 at 3:11 PM, Kyle Hansen <pi...@speakeasy.net> wrote:

> On 4/4/09 8:21 AM, "Stephen E. Bodnar" <sbod...@gci.net> Broadcast into
> the
> ether:
> > A big magnet simply doesn't work. Years ago I had a friend that put an
> > old hard drive on a bulk tape eraser at the radio station. This thing
> > would erase a whole tape reel with one zap. Didn't do a thing to the
> > hard drive. Everything was still readable.
> We had one at our shop that would kill a Hard Drive in one shot.  Magnets
> do
> work.  You must have had the wrong kind. An AC magnet works, but it will
> make the drive unusable.  IF you are really concerned about  data security
> the only efffective ways to ensure this are to smash it with a hammer, put
> it in a metal shredder or go to a foundry and melt it (or something else
> creative).
> Kyle Hansen
> --
> _________________________________________

Kyle, it was my opinion that a strong enough mag field would erase all
formatting and make it unusable. Another lister was of the opinion that
since these are SCSI they could still be reformatted. What do you think?

I had an IDE external wrongly low level formatted at the university iT guy
recently. It has been brain dead since.
But then it is not SCSI. I havn't dealt with SCSI for a while so I can't
remember the ins and outs but it seems I had to worry about sector mapping
even on SCSI.

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