On Apr 10, 2009, at 12:09 PM, Clark Martin wrote:

> I'd just use a VGA LCD.  You may need a VGA adapter, depending on your
> video board.  You can get a 17" monitor for under $100 if you shop  
> around.

19/20" SVGA LCD displays are so competitively priced there is little  
reason NOT to go with one of them.

I have an Envision, and it calibrates quite well, and gives very good  
results, this notwithstanding its 75 Hz maximum frame rate. I use it  
at 1280 x 1024, millions of colors, on all machines, through a 4-way  

For Beiges, 19" CRTs are a sure thing. These are not as tolerant of  
displays, or of KVMs. I use these directly.

For later models, I wouldn't use a CRT ... they're just too heavy,  
and too "retro".

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