On 4/11/09 8:41 AM, "Dan" <dantear...@gmail.com> Broadcast into the ether:

> LoBo = someone's invented term.  Should be MoBo or Motherboard.

Actually I disagree.  The reason it is called a "Motherboard" is that
originally you installed a "Daughter" card on it (oldskool yo).  When was
the last time you heard the term "Daughtercard" used?  Now you install PCI
or PCI-X etc. cards.  The Term "Logic Board" is more accurate as that is
where most of the logic related processes are performed.

But basically in the PC world it is a Motherboard and in the Mac world it is
a Logicboard.

Ultimately what will it be called?  PCB?  Printed Circuit Board (too
generic)?  Processor socket board?  It's anybody's guess.

Kyle Hansen
This is the way the world ends...not with a bang, but a twitter.

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