My G4s are experiencing data corruption issues: the QS 2002 Dual is  
(not always) spinning its rainbow beach ball while I try to Finder  
copy a particular file across my network, and the target machine, my  
Yikes! tries to DVD Player the copied VIDEO_TS file (which is  
evidently corrupt at a repeatable point), and freezes the entire OS X  
Tiger 10.4.11 system.

Replacing the VIDEO_TS file with a fresh MacTheRipper one cures the  
Yikes! Tiger freezing issue. The one on the QS Leopard machine might  
be a CCC of the corrupt one, having become corrupt due to a series of  
lba48 related trials and tribulations on my Yikes!. I may also have  
other issues with the replaced QS mobo, and / or a Seagate 750GB  
7200.10, as I have experienced Finder freezes at seemingly random  
points in time lately. My Seagate 750 and 500 drives are about a year  
old from purchase date (Frys for the 750, and Circuit City for the 500).

I'm suspecting Spotlight is raising data corrupted files ugly  
heads? ... making them show up while the system is trying to function  
elsewhere? ... is that possible?

Is there a method of determining corruption of data on a hard drive  

Perhaps a method of comparing an original file with a copy that may  
have become corrupt?

I would prefer an app that would scan an entire partition and be able  
to determine if the files are good ... sounding a bit too general as  
I type.

Bill Connelly

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