At 12:06 PM -0400 6/3/2009, Len Gerstel wrote:
>Well, we are not abandoned by Apple, YET.


>Quicktime and iTunes updates just released for 10.4 and 10.5.
>Downloaded for both with no noticed problems after restart, both on
>DA class Macs.

My installs were not so pleasant.  8 out of 11 Macs (ppc and x86) 
hung on reboot -- the 'ole incomplete cache rebuild problem.  Pretty 
lame @#$%ing stupid of Apple to have not fixed that yet.  Since 
AppleJacking, they're all running ok now.

And...  I've noticed on my 300-MHz Smuf, that playing videos 
QuickTime Player is improved!  They start playing sooner and the 
frame rate is better.  This caught me by suprize.  Typically, the 
frame rate has been getting slower and slower with each QuickTime 
release (on all Macs, not just my G3).

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

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