On 6/7/09 8:59 PM, Debra Platt of debrapl...@comcast.net sent

> The newer ipods don't work with regular AV cables or the older ipod
> AV cables. You have to buy one that's specifically compatible with
> the newer models.
> On Jun 7, 2009, at 8:52 PM, Dana Collins wrote:
> Hi Gang,
> Sorry if this is the wrong list to ask such, but I do not there are
> several iPod/G3-G5 users such as I.
> Simple question: besides an AV composite cable, what else does one
> need to view photos/videos on TV from their iPod (Touch, 2G)? I have
> such a cable, but no success (I have audio but no video) - perhaps the
> cable's video jack is bad?
> Thank you much,
> Dana
> (P.S. - never noticed, does LEM have an iPod list?)

Hi Debra,
Can I presume the Apple Composite AV cable set that they sell currently
would be compatible? Not sure what distinguishes that from other previously
issued AV cables.
Thanks for the response,

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