I've had this intermittently with various PowerBooks and Macs and find
it's usually solve it by setting Processor Performance to Highest in
the Energy Saver System Pref.  I don't know that that is a perfect
solution, but it's worked before to silence erratic fan behavior.


On Jun 9, 8:11 am, "Stephen E. Bodnar" <sbod...@gci.net> wrote:
> Brian Durant wrote:
> > I have started getting random thermal fan revs on my G5 single 1.8
> > GHz. The revs last for about fifteen seconds and then go away.
> > Sometimes once or twice a day. I think this started with the last
> > security update before 10.5.7, but I am not sure. Anyone know anything
> > about this?
> > Cheers
> Ya know, I started a thread a while back about the fan in my dual 2.0 G5
> revving up at odd times. It turns out it was probably a rogue
> application - when I totally removed the CodeTek Desktop Manager, I've
> had considerably less fan "excursions" even using the full Adobe
> Creative Suite at full tilt.
> Hint, hint...your mileage may vary!
> Stephen
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