On Jun 12, 2009, at 1:19 PM, Jack Countryman wrote:

> There is another program out there called 'delocalizer' that not only
> removes the languages,

I think DeLocalizer is "abandonware" that stopped development back in  
Jaguar 10.2? It's no longer listed on the developers website (Bombich,  
who does CCC), and using it could be dangerous because it may remove  
some of the "official" Apple language resources. This has been a  
problem starting in about 10.4 where if you uninstall official Apple  
resources from some programs like Safari or Adobe products you end up  
breaking the application so it won't launch. Some say this is a safety  
issue, that the application files are being validated by checksum each  
launch to make sure no virus or trojan has inserted itself into the  
code. It doesn't seem to be doing a real checksum, they launch too  
fast for that, but I know they WILL break if you uninstall the  
official Apple languages (which are NOT uninstalled by Monolingual by  
default, and you SHOULDN'T add unless you don't use Adobe products,  
(I'm unsure if Safari still breaks in v.4.0?, but 3.x did break if you  
removed official Apple languages).

>  but also the regional/country settings that go with
> them. It seems to get a bit more of the stuff most of us do not need  
> than
> what monolingual does.

Monolingual also uninstalls these, it just does this in a separate tab  
and removal process. In addition, Monolingual can remove all the CPU  
architecture you can't use, for example, for PPC Macs it can remove  
all the Intel code from so-called "universal" applications. It can  
even remove non-necessary PPC CPU versions, for example, if you own a  
G4 Mac it can not only remove the Intel code, it can remove specific  
G3 and G5 code leaving you a custom "G4 only" installation. This could  
be a problem if you later upgraded and wanted to clone or transfer  
your System, you'd need a clean install instead, but you could cross  
that bridge with necessary.

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