On Jun 15, 2009, at 2:06 PM, matt.strim...@gmail.com wrote:

> And if not maybe tell me what kind of up grades I need? I mean I just
> wanna run lepord properly. I am on tiger

Which G4?

There are basically two:

1) the 100 MHz bus G4 (Gigabit Ethernet, and earlier models), and

2) the 133 MHz bus G4 (Digital Audio, and later models).

(I have NO "mirror drive door" G4s, so I cannot voice an opinion on  

The best upgrade is probably the Giga-Designs. However, those are  
hard to come by,

OWC has an upgrade which is basically a Giga-Designs processor, but  
is comes with OWC's warranty, and it DOES NOT support over-clocking.

The true Giga-Designs processor, purchased from them, DOES support  

The Giga-Designs upgrade is nice in that it can be set by jumpers for  
either a 100 MHz bus or a 133 MHz bus, and it accepts both the 100  
MHz processor position or the 133 MHz processor position (each are  
quite different), and the cooling system is designed for both, and is  
user-adjustable for both.

Whichever ...

The only chips being made these days are 1.4 GHz G4s, and any  
processor upgrades, whether from Giga-Designs, or OWC, or others, are  
simply 1.4 GHz chips which are being over-clocked, but are guaranteed  
by the seller to work at 1.5 or 1.6 or 1.<whatever> GHz.

Caveat emptor!

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