On Jun 16, 2009, at 5:12 AM, Lawrence David Eden wrote:

> How are the above mentioned builds different from the version that
> Firefox automatically updated my B&W to?

They lack the code for any processor type other than the CPU for which  
they are "optimised" (British spelling of RPMs page). They may be a  
tad faster, but I tried many of the Optimized versions on "Furbism's"  
page (<http://firefoxmac.furbism.com/>), and some didn't function  
completely; whereas the normal, multi-CPU versions always worked, so  
I'm a little skeptical of these homemade "optimized" versions. If  
you're really short on HD space they may save a few MB, but running  
Monolingual can extract the non-CPU specific code also, so there are  
two ways to skin this cat.

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