On Jun 18, 2009, at 11:55 AM, Clark Martin wrote:

> To meet the NEC it has to go back to the relevant electrical panel  
> to be
> grounded there.  Earth ground has a rather high resistance, that's  
> from
> personal experience.

If you have an accessible cold water ground, and that cold water  
system is continuous throughout the premises, you have some hope of  
the ground being reasonably low resistance.

The focus of the NEC is fire safety [ * ] , and their code is a  
minimum from that point of view.

There are better ways of effecting an electrical ground system, but  
the NEC gives the minimum acceptable system, and most communities  
have adopted the NEC.

[ * ] The clue as to their focus should be apparent from the name of  
the publisher: NFPA (National Fire Protection Association).

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