On Jul 4, 2009, at 7:37 PM, Stephen Conrad wrote:

> OK, I am on a B&W G3 (Smurf) and it had 1.53 GB left on the HD
> OS X 10.2.8 (new computer is going to be here soon)
> I only have the following open: Opera, Safari, Terminal and TextEdit
> Suddenly I get a message saying I have no more HD space free (it is
> down to 40.8 MB)
> I have only downloaded 2 small pictures (Daily Kitten) and earlier I
> took some stuff off the HD and put them onto a flash disk (to free up
> a little more space).
> What could be causing this? It is a recent issue and I have even less
> tabs open than before this ever happened.
> Earlier I ran DiskUtility but it stopped and after 30 minutes of it
> not advancing (it froze the machine so a reboot was necessary). I
> rebooted the machine
> I do NOT have the 10.2 CDs

This might sound obvious. but did you also empty the Trash after you  
made more room?

40.8MB isn't anything relative to hard disk space. Sure that wasn't  
memory left while running several apps?

Browsers have caches and things that I believe are on the hard  
drive ... and they grow/shrink as they are programmed to do.

I've read somewhere if your free hard drive space is less than 50% of  
the total, you might even have trouble running OS X ... don't know the  
facts here, but you need more free space just to run OS X ... after  
the space taken up by the Installation. I  think its called Virtual  
RAM cache. 40.8MB if you are talking about hard drive space, just  
isn't enough, AFAIK.

Maybe others can help ... using applejack comes to mind, but I cannot  
advise you how to do that ...

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