On Jul 9, 2009, at 7:37 PM, chamaeleon wrote:

> I am confused as to which G4 I own. I purchased my PowerMacG4 from a
> college auction. My model # M5183 does not correspond with any of the
> info I have researched about G4s. I have AGP Graphics and it was
> copyrighted in 2000. Other specs: 400MHz /1 Mb Cache/ 128 SDRAM/ 30 Gb
> HD. Can anyone please help me identify which G4 I own? I plan to do
> some upgrades to make it compatible with Leopard. Currently I am using
> OS X 10.4.11 Tiger. Thanks.

The quick answer. According to MacTracker, M5183 is a Sawtooth. The  
upgrade options for the Sawtooth and Gigabit are the same. The only  
real difference is the addition of Gigabit ethernet over 100Mb ethernet.

As far as upgrading, think about what you get for your money. If you  
buy them new, you will need a new processor (cheapest at OWC is $199  
for 1.6 GHZ) and at least 512MB ram ($27 same place). Off of the swap  
list you are probably looking at a minimum of $150 for a processor  
that will run Leopard (867mhz minimum without hacks) and 512MB ram.

I have seen Quicksilvers on the swap list for less the used upgrade,  
and a G5, single 1.8GHz, was listed for $265. Even the QS will get you  
a faster bus, faster video, native support for Leopard, but not as  
high a ram ceiling. 2Gb in the Sawtooth vs 1.5Gb in the QS.


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