On Jul 14, 2009, at 11:45 AM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

> On Jul 13, 2009, at 6:48 PM, nburman wrote:
>> All thats missing at the mo (as it installs Jag)
>> is the floppy drive, A/V card,
> If that's the 'Wings' card, put it back in, a lot of Beiges won't boot
> without that card present. One of the things you're finding out is
> that there was some weird inherent variation across the beige line not
> accounted for by ROM revision numbers and such. Some are simply
> resistant to OS X, Some are resistant to upgrading, etc. There's a lot
> of weird issues. Mine, I could not, for the life of me upgrade past
> 10.2.
> A friend had one that you simply could not install OS X on at all. The
> fault could not be traced to any single part of the computer, as they
> all worked when swapped out for different ones, it was that unique
> combination of motherboard, power supply video card, ram ,etc. I know
> because a friend of that friend had an Apple shop, and a ready supply
> of parts to swap in; he took this as a challenege, never did find out
> why the computer just wouldn't load OS X.
> The only thing he never swapped out was the case.

would using a CCC clone work? do the upgrade work on another G4?

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