On Jul 16, 2009, at 8:53 PM, Ricardo Sevilla wrote:

> Ok so I have a weird problem. I keep having my g4 either crash or
> whatever on me. Here is the scenario as it has occured many times to  
> me
> in just the past week. I have my g4 sawtooth that has been upgraded  
> to a
> owc 1.2ghz processor with 2 gigs of ram. it has a 500 gig hdd and a
> superdrive in it. so far the only thing that has not been upgraded is
> the video card. I thought i would do it but I think i might have to do
> this sooner than I planned. the problem happens rather frequently  
> now so
> it is time to dedicate some serious time and money (if I have to) to  
> fix
> this problem. I will turn on my computer and everything appears  
> normal.
> except for the fact that my external hdd takes about a year and a half
> to mount on my desktop if it ever does decide to mount.

Sometimes, this could mean the HD is going / gone bad.

Will it startup from the OS X DVD?

You can also e-mail Seagate Support and give them the model number of  
the drive. to see if its one that had bad firmware ... but I don't  
think the 500GB ATAs did (mine did not).

I would reseat the ATA cable connectors, and see if that solves the  
problems. Make sure it is properly jumpered (I believe the safe  
setting for a single Seagate drive is Master).

Also would try another HD, physically in place of the current one.

Sometimes bad RAM can disguise itself in a number of ways ... you  
might remove all but one stick to see if it starts up.

Just guessing as to what I would do ... didn't you have this problem a  
few weeks ago?

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