On Jul 22, 2009, at 4:07 PM, Al Poulin wrote:

> On Jul 18, 7:50 am, Lawrence David Eden <lde...@comcast.net> wrote:
>> Where in OS X (10.4.11) can I set my helper applications?
>> For example:  My Mac is defaulting to Adobe Reader instead of
>> Preview.  How do I change it?

Single click on on of the files that you want Preview to open by  
default... don't open it. While the file is highlit, do a "Command  
I". You'll get an info window. Look down the info window and you'll  
see an arrow next to the header: "Open with", which you may have to  
click to expose what's below. In the window it will probably say that  
Adobe Reader is the chosen app. Click on this scroll box and you'll  
see other choices. Choose Preview. Then, go to the next scroll box  
underneath, which says: "Change All" and click on it. Now all of that  
type of file should open in Preview.


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