Yeah I tend to agree... It's the same with any business it's all about the 
money and they do their best to force the public into buying new stuff because 
they can't use their old stuff anymore because it has become obsolete... I had 
to get a newer Apple running Tiger just so I can go on to some websites that I 
couldn't go on before running Jaguar... This is why we have other web browsers 
developed so we can still use our older computers, who here can use "Internet 
Explorer" on their old machine??? A few yrs ago i thought there was something 
wrong with my computer till someone told me about these other web browsers...  
The auto industry does the same thing it designs their parts to fail after a 
certain length of time, how do i know this I am  retired auto worker and worked 
as a machinist and toolmaker... And they do this till the "DOT" and the "Ins. 
Industry" gets involved and finds out that peoples lives are at stake from car 
accidents... They know just how far they can push it till it breaks!!!

-----Original Message-----
>From: Dan <>
>Sent: Aug 2, 2009 11:23 PM
>Subject: Re: "The Intel-only future draws closer"
>At 5:53 PM -0700 7/27/2009, Al Poulin wrote:
>>The Subject line carries the title of a Macworld article by Rob Griffiths at:
>>it cites trends at applications developers as well as at Apple.
>But expected.  Apple just doesn't make quatloos from supporting 
>powerpc systems.
>I blame Jobs for all of it.  Apple basically abandoned Tiger as a dev 
>platform earlier than expected, and the new XCode and frameworks are 
>making it more and more difficult to support Tiger.  Most developers 
>got used to the "support current and previous OS" - and now with 
>Apple releasing the trivial Snow Leopard and a major release, the 
>lemmings are all dropping Tiger prematurely.
>Is it a big deal?  Nah.  Apple is making their kiloquats by selling 
>iPhone, iPod, and iTunes tracks.  Macs are an afterthought at this 
>point, expecially since they're not interested in the business market.
>- Dan.
>- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth.

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