10.5.8 was successfully applied to my Shuttle SP35P2 system this

Intel P35 Express MCH chip set with an ICH9R ICH chip set and, in  
this case,
an eVGA 8400GS 512 MB video card.

Not wanting to be exposed to yet another flawed update from Apple, I
elected to manually download the 10.5.8 Combo Update, and then execute
it manually, not automatically.

The audio and networking support changed yet again.

I have provided the same ALC888 codec dump and Taruga's 1.20 patcher.
It must be installed again in order to enable audio on a Hack.

I have also provided a patched version of the 10.5.8
IONetworkingFamily kext, with updates to the Marvell gigabit support,
only. It must be installed again using kexthelper on a Hack.

But, the good news is these appear to be the only issues with 10.5.8.

I will be retaining 10.5.7 on my alternate boot partition for several
working days, after which I will in all likelihood be cloning the
alternate from the main.

I will be immediately installing 10.5.8 on my dual 1.0 GHz DA, but  
without the Shuttle updates.

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