On Aug 19, 2009, at 2:09 PM, Dan Knight, LowEndMac.com wrote:

> Here's something we don't have on Low End Mac, something a reader just
> asked about: What models are CPUs pulled from other Power Macs
> compatible with?
> I know that 466 and 533 MHz CPUs from Digital Audio work with the 100
> Mhz bus in Sawtooth and Mystic,

NOT EASILY nor speedily,

> and all G4 Power Macs with AGP video
> appear to use exactly the same CPU connector.

True, but see below.

> This could create a market for pulled CPUs....

Already is one. It is called the Low End Mac Swap LIst.

> Looking forward to your feedback!

For all G4 AGP
Straight drop ins:

Same generation ie
Sawtooth to Sawtooth
Gig Ethernet to Gig Ethernet

Across generations:

A single Gig Ethernet is a drop in in a Sawtooth
Dual Gig Ethernets will drop in in a Sawtooth with a Uni N version  
greater than 7, IIRC

A DA or Quicksilver processor will fit in a Gig Ethernet or Sawtooth  
with the following caveats:
You need to remove an onboard IDE connector to get it to fit, not a  
procedure for the squeamish.
It will run 25% slower than rated speed. The multiplier is on the cpu  
card. So a 533MHz will run at 400MHz (4x133.33MHz=533MHz, 4 x 100MHz  
= 400MHz).

A QS will work in a DA with a 12V lead to the 4th mounting post that  
is not used when installed in a DA.


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