It's a iMac G5. There's a hack to allow the video port to support extended desktop mode and not just be mirrored. The hack works with Leopard, Tiger and Classic.

It can be found here:


On Jan 25, 2010, at 6:17 PM, Kasey Smith wrote:

On Jan 25, 2010, at 2:05 PM, wrote:

The only Mac I ever had that was cutting edge was a 512K that I bought new. I've always been behind the times but they're still powerful machines and get the job done. Heck yeah I'd like to have a new Mac but what can it do that I can't do already? Or need to to do?

I have a small network at home. A G5 iMac for web, email, etc., a B&W that's tricked up (1GHz accelerator, max RAM, SCSI card, extra hard drives, etc.) for Pro Tools and a 450MHz G3 iMac that I bought at a yard sale for $10 that I use as a print server. They all run Tiger though I have a Leopard partition on the G5 and can boot the B&W into Tiger or OS9 depending on my needs. Both the G5 and the B&W run two displays. I also have a totally maxed out IIci that would have cost $25K in 1990 that I use as a MIDI controller for an old version of Performer for some vintage MIDI files that I have. The IIci runs System 7.1 and has a Nubus (remember that?) Ethernet card and is connected to the network so I can back it up. I have $70 in the IIci.

I know someday I'll have to upgrade to Intel just as I had to upgrade from OS9 a few years ago but for now everything is working. As Bruce quoted the old axiom, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."


Lol, i thoink you mean PowerMac G5, not iMac. The only iMac to ever have an expansion slot were the very first (Rev.A) tray-load iMacs. Also, i run dual displays on my G3 B&W too, with an extra rage 128.

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