----------  Original message  ----------
Subject: Re: Why are you (still) using PowerPC-based Macs?
Date:    Samstag 23 Januar 2010N
From:    Dan <dantear...@gmail.com>
To:      g3-5-list@googlegroups.com

> At 9:46 PM +0100 1/23/2010, Mac User #330250 wrote:
> >where do I find the system logs?
> The logs live in a number of places.  Use Console.app to view them.
> That app is a nice reader, with some simple filtering capability.
> And it's read-only, so peruse all you want.
> /Applications/Utilities/Console.app

I put it to sleep with the fans (internal and the one of the power supply) 
still running. There is nothing unusual in the system log.

----------  Original message  ----------
Subject: Re: Why are you (still) using PowerPC-based Macs?
Date:    Samstag 23 Januar 2010N
From:    Dan <dantear...@gmail.com>
To:      g3-5-list@googlegroups.com

> >Do you happen to know if Safari can block Flash with the ability to allow
> > it in a user controlled way?
> ClickToFlash works great in Safari.

Installed. Thanks.

> And I use SafariBlock as a general ad/url blocker.  It's a bit crude
> and buggy, but it's free and open source, so I can fool with the code.

I'm still considering alternatives (MacUpdates has a view in its database).

> >>  You should NOT be experiencing any typeahead delays.

Still having.

> >>  It's possible that Spotlight's indexing is dragging you down.
> >
> >This should be a temporary issue, right?
> Yea, but if you do a lot of file manipulations, Spotlight's indexer
> keeps kicking in.  So it's a re-occuring suck.  Personally, I'm not
> fond of Spotlight, so I've got the indexing disabled on all my
> volumes currently.  (Don't kill Spotlight itself; if you do then many
> apps that require it will crash).

Disabled it using mdutil. Haven't worked much with it since though. Will check 
next week.

Thanks for your help so far.
I may make a clean cut though and install it all once more from scratch. Maybe 
I shouldn't install it all on the G4, and so some installations on the G3 
itself to prevent it being so slow. But for the time being I'm leaving it like 
it is, since I just don't have the time for this right now.

Andreas  aka  Mac User #330250

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