On Mar 10, 2010, at 4:09 PM, Bill Connelly wrote:

On Mar 10, 2010, at 3:49 PM, t...@io.com wrote:

I use flat angle brackets from the hardware store.  I can't remember
if I get the 1.5" or the 2".   Just get four of them, and screw them
onto the sides of the drives.   This will hold one drive above the
other with a gap depending on the size of bracket you bought.

The sleds provided by Apple, only allow about 1/4" between 2 Seagate HDs (750GB and 500GB ones).

Just doesn't seem like enough ... especially considering the circuit board on the bottoms that are exposed.

I had 2 x 120GBs stacked using the apple bracket in my DA, along with 320 and 500GB SATA drives single layered next to them. I had no issues with heat with either a 533 or 933 QS processor in there. When I put a dual 1.2GHz G4, THEN I had heat issues and ran with the door open.


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