At 1:30 PM -0600 3/28/2010, Nestamicky wrote:
I have Linux, XP and OSX working together in a network. I want to have a partition on an HD that's used to dump files r/w from all OSes. I know that there's no problem between Linux and XP, but with OSX. The entire HD is currently NTFS partitioned.

I share a directory tree from a Mac using both afp and smb. That works quite well, but then there are access issues when people are roaming outside of our LAN... The Mac runs Tiger, so I use SharePoints to create specific mount points for users to access.

Lately we've also begun to use Dropbox (2 GB free). It's a multi-platform (OS X, Linux, Windows, iPhone, etc) sync tool. It automatically maintains the sync'd Dropbox folder on each machine (peer to peer), plus an encrypted copy on Amazon's massive S3 storage cloud service. Because it supports versioning in the cloud, you can restore files very easily if someone deletes the wrong things from a shared folder.

The current release, 0.7, does the basics but doesn't support fancy selective file sharing or metadata. The upcoming 0.8 release, now in beta, does most metadata, and the selective sharing will be enabled shortly.

Check it out...


(or if you wanna earn me some free storage, please)

Also, I want to repartition the HD that has the OSX OS. Any ideas on a safe way of doing this? And by that I mean, have you done it and it worked without any problems?

Make a backup.
Repartition the drive.
Fill the volumes from the backup.

The new Disk Utility will do repartitioning, in Leopard and SL. There are also 3rd party products. But IMO this is a bad idea. Partitions must be contiguous. So to repartition a drive, the tool must first move around a LOT of data. Very risky to do that without first making a backup! But once you have the backup, why not just do it right in the first place, so you're guaranteed to end up with clean reliable file systems?!

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth.

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