On May 14, 2010, at 3:40 PM, Doug McNutt wrote:

It works great for what it does. Much easier than firing up Word. Now, for lazy ol' me, if I could find the same thing that pops up when I right click instead of mousing ALL THE WAY to the menu bar life would be wonderful.

I typically use
    pbpaste | wc
as a command in Terminal.app to count the words and characters on the clipboard. But Terminal is always open and ready on this machine.

It would be fairly easy to create an AppleScript application using "do shell script" which does that with the result that you could "copy" or "COMMAND C" the text you're interested in and execute the script.

   man wc
for details.

That probably works fine. I am just trying to be EXTREMELY lazy on this. With WordService installed all you do is highlight the text, then go to (Application name menu, ie: Mail) ->Services->Statistics and it pops up with the counts. And on my DA, that runs a LOT faster than an Applescript.


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