I've never tried this, but I would think that once you have installed
Leopard that you can just shut down the platform and when it is
restarted it will return to the same screen where it was when shut

You may not get a shutdown button, just do a force shutdown with the
power key.

You may want to try shutting down and restarting once before handing
the box back to you friend.

However be sure to instruct them to read each of the screens before
they proceed to the next one.

As some of the information that is inputted can not be changed later,
or requires a lot of UNIX experience to change.

One item that CAN NOT be changed easily is the Platform Owners Name,
the Short Name, it's just easer to reload the OS if you make a mistake
and/or want to make a change than to try changing those items.


San Jose, Ca

On Aug 2, 7:38 pm, DLC <> wrote:
> Greetings all,
> I hope my description is accurate to the point that it rings a bell. I
> do remember this being briefly chatted up on this list, but I can't
> come up with the correct syntax to register a winning query. Here
> goes:
> I am putting a fresh install of OS X (Leopard) on a person's new (to-
> them) G5. When i am finished with all the updates, I would then like
> the unit to boot up as if they were the new owner, starting up the Mac
> for the first time and being asked to set up their account and
> register with Apple.
> I seem to recall a little utility script that one runs to make this
> so, or a start-up preference that needs deleting.
> Does this make sense, or ring a bell with anyone? If so, let me know.
> Thanks in advance for any input.
> Best regards,
> Dana

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