----------  Original message  ----------
Subject: Re: Revisited: Re: G4 Power Mac M5183 up grades!!!
Date:    Mittwoch 04 August 2010N
From:    Richard Gerome <onecoolka...@earthlink.net>
To:      g3-5-list@googlegroups.com

>    Thanks for that info Andreas!!! I was planning on getting a new one... I
> also have another question can I keep the orig hard drive in there too (is
> there 2 plugs in the ribbon for them I didn't notice if there was)??? This
> way she can save stuff on that HD too...

This is possible; I think the only Power Mac I found with only one IDE 
connector is my G3 B&W, all others have two connectors (Master and Slave). 
Note that you can configure the drives with jumpers to master and to slave, or 
you could use Cable Select (marked “CS”) on both, the drive that is connected 
nearer to the mainboard (along the IDE cable) is slave, the one farer is 
master. Excuse my English, I hope this is understandable.

Also note that not all drives in conbination work nicely together in Cable 
Select mode. I'd try that first anyway, and if it doesn't work revert to 
manually setting Master/Slave.

I'd only use the older hard disk for a backup Mac OS/Mac OS X system, not for 
valuable data. It could be useful for backups though, since it is unlikely 
that both drives fail simultaniously (it could well be the newer, but I doubt 
that). If the older drive fails – no worry, it's only backups that can be 
backed up again on a new drive at any time.

> I don't know of any Prize Search
> Engs??? I use ask.com, google.com and yahoo.com and I come up with the
> same types of websites (ebay always comes up in everyone)... I bought 2
> hard rives off someone from ebay for my clamshells and had very good luck
> with them and her, she had me return the first one with no questions and
> sent me a new one!!! It was my fault i didn't know it had to be
> formatted... I am planning on buying this one from her as soon as she gets
> back to me with the specs on the one for $79.95...

When you have good experiences with eBay then just go for it. As long as the 
drives are new and you get RMA warrenty.

> I think HD's may be
> going bad is because of leaving the computer running all the time???

No. It actually is the everyday spin-up that brakes hard disks. (Okay, to be 
exact: this is one of the things that brakes hard disks…) Even energy saving 
(spinning down hard disks when connected to A/C power – and spinning it up 
again everytime) can also be a wearing factor.

It is hard to find a ballance. Keeping drives running 24/7 is also not a good 

> With
> my experience in knowing how things are made and the way they build them
> to fail after x-#'s of yrs, I wouldn't expect a HD to last that long but I
> am suprised that most of them do last that long??? After yrs of spinning
> and collecting dust and dirt any kind of bearing would ware out... The
> ones I replaced in my clamshells were not bad they were just too slow, so
> I cleaned them and sold them on ebay!!!

It's hard to say what really brakes a hard disk drive. But I read an article 
about archiving data, and –believe it or not– HDDs were the winners. Just 
write your data to the drive, pack it up again into the original packing (3.5" 
drives are in plastic wrappings mostly) and store them at a nice warm and dry 
place (the living room?). This way HDDs will last > 10 years. Just don't let 
them drop on the floor and don't use them for a backup every day.

Andreas  aka  Mac User #330250

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