----------  Original message  ----------
Subject: Re: I just bought a Powermac G4 dual 800
Date:    Montag 27 September 2010N
From:    John Markowitz <dadbe...@gmail.com>
To:      g3-5-list@googlegroups.com

> If you have Leopard alredy installed on another PPC machine you can get it
> on the 800 via CCC. That's the easy and fast way for me:-)

A CCC copy of Mac OS X with all the latest updates (up to the point in time 
when the CCC copy was made) can always come in handy…

And yes, it is the fastest way, if you don't count the work to make a CCC 
copy. For only one Power Mac the effort is propably more time consuming than 
to install a fresh Mac OS X – provided you don't reinstall every week!

Andreas  aka  Mac User #330250

p.s. yes, I've also got CCC images laying around… waiting to be used, to save 

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