----------  Original message  ----------
Subject: B&W: Is It or Isn't It? (Silly Senile Question). . .
Date:    Dienstag 16 November 2010N
From:    Yersinia <yersi...@myfairpoint.net>
To:      "G-List" <g3-5-list@googlegroups.com>

> The current running thread about Yosemite B&W upgrades made me wonder if
> MY B&W was also a Yosemite. I never knew its "codename" for sure like I
> did my old G3 Beige desktop, the Gossamer. My B&W is the 450 MHz one,
> and Everymac.com says it's "based on Yosemite architecture" but doesn't
> say anything else or specify outright that it's actually a Yosemite. So
> do any of you know: is it a Yosemite, or isn't it? And if it isn't, what
> is it, and can someone please tell me where do we go to find out these
> things? I thought Everymac.com was the place for this and can't believe
> I couldn't find this out from there.

I've found this codename on the information page of OnyX for Tiger. The 
Leopard version dropped this information though.


It was shown as “Yosemite, Yosemite 1.5 and Silk” – I just assumed, since I 
have the very first incarnation of the G3 B&W that it is the Yosemite.

Andreas  aka  Mac User #330250

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