On 2010/12/03 16:11, John Callahan so eloquently wrote:
I'm using Mail Version 2.1.3
The pictures appear on my copy of outbound , my Cc:
The picture is of a very good friend of mine, myself.
The picture is at the top right of the text portion of the message.
Thanks for remarking on my eloquence, it pleases my Irish heritage.

I suspect that is Mail showing your and your friends pictures from Address Book.app. If that is the case, they are not being sent, they just appear there on your Mac. Again if it is pics from Address Book and you really don't want to see them, delete the pics from Address Book.

Let us know if that solves the mystery. :-)



iMac 20" USB 2 1.25GHz G4 2GB RAM GeForce FX 5200 Ultra 64MB DDR Gnome/Ubuntu 10.10

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