
It appears your iMac doesn't have an Airport card installed?

If you're lucky and have a USB 2.0 G4 iMac you can use faster Airport cards or even used a USB wireless adapater. It might be smarter to use a USB adapter, generally any with a Broadcom chipset can be recognized in OS X identically as Apple "Airport" using all the built-in OS X software. Otherwise, an Airport Extreme 802.11b/g card is the OEM card for the USB 2.0 G4 iMac, although there may be newer 802.11n cards that fit, I don't know?

If you're unlucky and have a prior model with only USB 1.1 you're kinda stuck. These use an original Airport 802.11b card, and the USB is too slow to go any faster than 802.11b, so even though you could use a faster USB adapter, it would still be going slowly because of the USB limitation. You can open up the iMac and look for the Airport card, and if there's not one installed and you need wireless, buying an original Airport 802.11b card is probably the best solution. The fastest solution will be to use the wired ethernet cable at 100 Mbps.

Well I got around the slow AirPort b and the USB 1.1 dealio by connecting a G4 cube to my LAN using a Ethernet Bridge made by LinkSys it produces almost G speed a whole lot faster than AirPort b and USB 1.1 dongle.

Yorba Linda USA
From TiBook 867

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