At 10:10 PM -0500 2/10/2011, Bill Connelly wrote:
On Feb 10, 2011, at 9:43 PM, Scotty wrote:
I just recently acqired a Digital Audio 733mhz for $25 (it needed ram
and a HDD which I had on hand).  So I have it up and running, but I am
looking for advice for an OS.  I have 10.2.8 installed currently.  I
was wondering if this very old version of OS X is really of any use
anymore or whether I should maybe try a PPC Linux distro.  I would
like to add that I have a copy of leopard from my Quicksilver but if
fails to install and Leopard Assist does not seem to work (I have
actually never successfully gotten Leopard Assist to work on a non
supported G4.).  I had this issue with my old lampshade iMac 800mhz.

Try a CCC version of Leopard ... I have a DA Dual 533 running Leopard.

Yea. Put the DA into Target Disk Mode (boot holding down T key) then connect it to your QuickSilver with a firewire cable. Use Disk Utility on the QuickSilver to erase the DA's HD then use CCC to slam a copy of your existing system onto it.

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth.

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