----------  Original message  ----------
Subject: Re: Converting wmv to mpeg or other mac compatible file
Date:    Saturday, 05. March 2011
From:    Dan <dantear...@gmail.com>
To:      g3-5-list@googlegroups.com
> At 4:13 PM -0600 3/5/2011, Fred and Janet Thiel wrote:
> >Is there a freeware or relatively inexpensive shareware application
> >that will convert wmv formatted movie files to mpeg? I have some
> >that I can view with VLC OK, but some are choppy on my Quicksilver
> >733 OSX 10.4.11 1.5GB RAM.
> Yes.  Use ffmpeg (free, open source).  It will transcode to anything you
> want.
> It's a bit complicated to build, so I cheat... I use the build that's
> included in FFmpegX or in Burn.app.

How about Fink or MacPorts?
I don't use these myself, but I know they provide easy access to FOSS, so 
maybe also ffmpeg is available.

FYI also mencoder (part of mplayer) is able to transcode, but I think ffmpeg is 
much more sophisticated.

Andreas  aka  Mac User #330250

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